At Astrea obstetric centre, we provide you with expert guidance and personal support. We want to get to know you better in order to give you the support you deserve. We want our practice to feel like a safe and comfortable space in which both you and your partner can go for questions, help, and advice.
Are you pregnant? Congratulations! Pregnancy is a fun and exciting journey. As you well know, it’s also a personal and unique experience. Astrea wants to make pregnancy as worry-free as possible for all women. We will support you and your partner through pregnancy, birth, and the postpartum period.
The fertile days
Officially you are 1 week pregnant, but your baby does not exist yet. The moment of fertilization is close. The most fertile period is about three days before ovulation up to the day of ovulation.
During week 2…
Ovulation and fertilization
The true moment of fertilization takes place during this week. It will be a while before you can see for yourself, but the baby’s sex is already set in stone.
During week 3…
In the third week of your pregnancy, you will notice the first signs that you are pregnant.
Light bleeding indicates that implantation has taken place. Hormones may cause you to experience the first symptoms of pregnancy.
A positive pregnancy test.
You can register with our practice as soon as you have a positive pregnancy test. We will provide you with guidance and advice during the first few weeks of early pregnancy. We will also schedule your first prenatal appointment when you are about 8 weeks pregnant. To make sure this appointment goes smoothly, please complete the prenatal appointment form and send it to us.
Earlier appointments can be made if necessary.
During week 5…
You will be fairly certain that you are pregnant. Your baby’s heart will form in this week.
During week 6…
The pregnancy hormones will seem to take over your body.
Your symptoms may worsen. But we also have good news: at six weeks, your baby’s face is already taking shape.
During week 7…
The embryo increasingly takes on the shape of a tiny human being.
In week 7, your baby’s arms and legs begin to grow. Even their hands begin to take shape.
During week 8…
You will have your first prenatal appointment in week 8. During this appointment, we will do an extensive ultrasound to check whether the baby’s heart is beating properly and discuss your prenatal appointment form to determine how we can provide you with the best possible support during your pregnancy.
We will also use this appointment to explain our working method and discuss your appointment schedule.
During week 9…
The embryo’s face shapes further
Your body’s efforts to help the baby develop are quite tiring for you. During this period, the slightest effort might exhaust you.
During week 10…
Some time around the 10 to 12-week mark, we will schedule an ultrasound to calculate your due date.
We will also discuss the prenatal screening during these appointments. You can choose to have additional tests carried out to find out more about the health of your baby.
During week 11…
Prenatal screening
The Noninvasive Prenatal Test (NIPT) is a maternal blood test performed after 11 gestational weeks, used to check the DNA of the baby.
This test is used to identify the following syndromes: trisomy 13 (Patau syndrome), trisomy 18 (Edwards’ syndrome), trisomy 21 (Down syndrome). You can also choose to screen for other chromosomal abnormalities.
During week 12…
Blood tests
At 12 weeks we will check your blood type, test your iron and glucose levels, and check for any infectious diseases.
Ultrasound in week 13
As of 1 September 2021, you can choose to have an ultrasound in week 13.
The ultrasound in week 13 (first trimester SEO) is a medical examination that can take place between 12 weeks, 3 days and 14 weeks, 3 days of pregnancy. The ultrasound in week 13 allows you to find out early on in the pregnancy whether your baby has any serious physical defects. This ultrasound is also performed in CVONL and is reimbursed by your health insurance company.
During week 14…
During this appointment, we will tell you more about the 20-week ultrasound and discuss the results of your blood test.
During week 15…
Maternity care
We recommend registering for maternity care before your 16th week of pregnancy.
To register, call your health insurer and the maternity care provider of your choice. You can request maternity care through Geboortezorg Limburg, Kraamzus, or Liev. Around this time we will plan a joint prenatal meeting to discuss your pregnancy with the gynaecologist from Viecuri. During this meeting, we will draft a pregnancy and delivery care plan for all of our expectant mothers.
During week 16…
In the 16th week of your pregnancy, we can see your child’s sex.
During week 17…
If you are unmarried or not in a registered partnership, the father must officially acknowledge the child in order for the child to receive the father’s last name. It is wise to arrange this early on in your pregnancy. To do so, both parents must appear in person at the city hall (gemeentehuis) and present valid identification. A document of acknowledgement will be drafted during the appointment, which both parents must sign. This document must be presented when you register the birth of your child.
During week 18…
You may feel the baby kicking in your belly for the first time. What a special experience!
During week 19…
Your baby’s hearing starts working. From now on, your little one is listening along with you.
During week 20…
Between 18 and 20 weeks of pregnancy, you will be offered a foetal anomaly scan.
This scan, performed at the CVONL screening centre, is entirely optional and checks for any physical anomalies. It is a medical ultrasound that is used to assess the development of your baby’s organs and to screen for any physical anomalies.
It also checks the baby’s growth and your amniotic fluid level.
During week 21…
Your baby opens their eyes. Your belly grows so fast during this period that your skin sometimes cannot keep up. As a result, you may get stretch marks.
During week 22…
As of 2019, expectant mothers can opt to get vaccinated against whooping cough, which also offers protection to your baby. If you are vaccinated during pregnancy, your baby will be vaccinated when he or she is three months old instead of eight weeks.
As of week 23…
The baby can hear loud noises that are further away.
During week 24…
OGTT (glucose test)
If you have an increased risk of developing gestational diabetes, you will be offered a glucose test between weeks 24 and 27 of your pregnancy.
During this appointment, we will also discuss whether you plan to breastfeed or bottle-feed.
We organize information evenings about labour and delivery and breastfeeding and bottle-feeding. If you’re interested in attending one of these sessions, now is the time to register.
During week 25…
Your baby’s skin will slowly turn from transparent to pink. Their wrinkled skin slightly begins to become smoother. Your little one is really starting to look like a baby now.
As of week 26…
Your baby’s weight increases rapidly, and you will notice this! This means the countdown can really begin.
During week 27…
Depending on your blood type, we may need to run additional blood tests this week to determine your baby’s blood type and your Rhesus factor.
During week 28…
If there is a medical indication for it, we will do a growth scan this week to measure your baby. We will also check the baby’s size by hand during a physical examination.
As of week 29…
Your baby needs a lot of healthy and varied nutrients to grow.
During week 30…
In this week, we will check your iron levels and briefly discuss your birth plan. It’s good to start thinking about any preferences you may have and jot them down.
We organize free information evenings about labour and delivery.
As of week 31…
The baby is keeping themselves entertained in your womb, as they are busy moving and exercising.
During week 32…
Another growth scan will be done this week, if medically necessary.
As of week 33…
Your baby’s kicks will be stronger. This is because there is less space between your baby and the wall of your uterus. Before this point, the amniotic fluid helped to absorb the kicks. Now, there is less amniotic fluid meaning that you feel more of the kicks.
During week 34…
During this check-up, we will discuss your birth plan again and explain when you should call us.
We will also check to see if your baby has descended into your pelvis.
As of this week, we recommend packing a bag in case you need to go to the hospital.
As of week 35…
You can say that the baby is ‘complete’. The baby’s kidneys are now fully developed.
As of week 36…
The baby has grown so big that the uterus can no longer accommodate them. There is still a small chance that the baby will turn of their own accord. Most babies are in the cephalic (head-down) position and have started to descend.
During week 37…
You are now officially full-term! From now on, you will have weekly appointments so we can keep a close eye on your blood pressure and your baby.
Make sure that you’ve made all necessary arrangements by this time, such as raising your bed and packing your hospital bag.
As of week 38…
The wait for the delivery begins.
As of week 39…
The baby’s skin becomes smoother and more colourful. This is because the baby is developing a thicker layer of fat.
As of week 40…
This is the week of your due date! It’s so exciting to wonder when it will happen.
As of week 41…
If the baby is not born yet, we make an appointment with the gynaecologist at 41 weeks. During this check-up everything will be checked again and they will discuss how long you can wait.
As of week 42…
If the baby is not born yet, an introduction is planned in consultation.