We specialize in preconception support for couples who want to conceive, with a focus on lifestyle advice and nutritional advice for hormonal balance.
We would be happy to give your and your partner personal advice on getting pregnant quickly and healthily.
The preconception consultation is a personal meeting that lasts approximately 45 minutes. During this consultation, we will complete a questionnaire with you and your partner about your health, your family medical history, and your lifestyle. We will also discuss the available tests for congenital and hereditary disorders. If necessary, we can refer you on to a specialist or a clinical geneticist.
We will also discuss your menstrual cycle to determine your post fertile period.
The menstrual cycle starts on the first day of menstruation and ends the day before your next period starts. Cycle length varies, but is usually between 25 and 35 days, with an average of 28 days.
It can be very useful to understand your cycle. During each cycle, an egg is released from your ovary in a process known as ovulation. You are most fertile about three days before you ovulate up to the day of ovulation. Ovulation usually happens between 12 and 16 days before your next period starts.
Sperm can remain active for up to three days, which is why intercourse doesn’t necessarily have to coincide exactly with ovulation. However, it does take sperm cells time to reach the egg.
If you want to conceive, have intercourse up to three days before you ovulate. An egg is at its most fertile about 12 hours after ovulation. After this period, its fertility quickly declines. By calculating when you ovulate, you can determine your most fertile days. Another way to predict your ovulation day is to pay attention to certain symptoms. For example, vaginal discharge tends to be thinner and stringier around ovulation.
Folic acid reduces the risk of neural tube defects in babies. The neural tube later becomes the baby’s spinal cord and brain. If something goes wrong during the formation or development of the neural tube, spine and brain defects may develop during pregnancy. These include spina bifida, anencephaly, cleft lip, and cleft palate.
To help you prepare for your first consultation, visit the website www.zwangerwijzer.nl and complete the questionnaire. Please e-mail us the completed form.
Most health insurers reimburse this consultation. You do not need a referral to register for a preconception consultation.