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Midwifery care

In Venlo and the surrounding area for counselling during your pregnancy, delivery & postpartum period, and/or for contraception

Astrea provides complete, loving, and professional care

We are a professional and close team that champions personal attention, care and quality.
By combining personal involvement with our professionalism, we offer high quality midwifery care. Besides guiding you through pregnancy, delivery, and postpartum care, our team also specializes in medical ultrasounds, counselling on the desire to have children, leading a healthy lifestyle, counselling following a miscarriage, and contraception.
We are active in Venlo, Blerick, Velden, Lomm, and Arcen (in either the municipality or city respectively).

Why should you choose Astrea?

So you discovered you are pregnant... what now?

If your pregnancy test is positive, please call us for an appointment. A referral from your GP is not required. However, it may be useful to inform your GP that you are pregnant.

  • The first check-up is usually scheduled to take place around the 8th week of pregnancy. During this check-up, we will make an ultrasound to verify the pregnancy.
  • Please tell us if you and your partner have any special wishes/expectations during the pregnancy.
  • We listen carefully to your needs and tailor our care accordingly.
  • During your appointment, you will receive an ultrasound scan at each check-up.



Huisartsenpraktijk Maasduinen Velden

Kloosterstraat 18

5941 ET Velden

Huisartsenpraktijk de Dolgaard Arcen

Kerkstraat 1

5944 AL Arcen